About Us

The Diamond Line is the University of Arkansas’s official undergraduate literary magazine. We publish one issue per semester. For each issue, we accept 8-12 poems, 4-6 fiction pieces, and 10-12 visual art pieces.

We are committed to exposing the University of Arkansas’s undergraduates to the publishing process, from submissions to rejections and acceptances to publication. We want to elevate the most evocative works the University’s undergraduates can offer, regardless of genre (or genre-defiance). Our only requirement is that you be an undergraduate at the University, so send us your best!

Check our submissions page for more information.





Special thanks to:

J. William Fulbright College of Arts & Sciences at the University of Arkansas
The University of Arkansas Department of English
The University of Arkansas MFA Program in Creative Writing and Translation
Rory F. Sims
Jane VB Larson

And all the undergraduate faculty who encouraged their students to submit their work, and the student writers and artists who contributed; without you, The Diamond Line would not be possible.