“Patron Saint of Stress” Zoe Sparks
I’m the preparation for the earthquake//Kids hiding under desks and doorways pray//Hopeful this torture will end
“Edited: A Poem About Love Changing Seasons” Zach Turner
When the last forecast of snow turns to a chance//of rain and the ice on the pond breaks into ripples
“Chantix” Sara Schellenberg
I am stomping sparks//on the driveway for the last time//so maybe I’ll outlive my brother
“Lumpy Pancakes and a Lesson on Stirring” Morgan Walker
Your pancakes will be dry, flat, and wholly unfulfilling if you stir the batter too much. Be careful not to disrupt the lumps…
“A Song for My Brother” Morgan Walker
We love each other in the 30 minute drive//to our parents’ house in the country. Driving on//the dark and angular road, headlights wash over us
“The Lump in Her Breast” Michayla Ashley
Prologue//The pads of her fingers//dot the surface//of this ocean
“Spirit Box” Michayla Ashley
You really are my daughter, says my mom. Her hand//slick with honey and coated with swan feathers
“you say you love the streets of Copenhagen” Kate Duby
flirty and asymmetrical//the houses that cling to each other//like a blue and yellow chain
“A Love Letter to Writing” Bia Edwards
The beating of my heart reminds me I am alive//a steady beat, trapped in a bone cage
“Fatal Floral” Bia Edwards
Crack my skull and from my brain sprouts lilies//white ones, like those at my mother’s wedding, pristine but stained with bits of myself

“From the Mist” Rashi Ghosh
Rashi is a senior in computer science, with a minor in mathematics. She enjoys ink drawing, pencil sketching, and watercolors in her free time.

“The Disco Garden” Katy Wright
Katy is from Benton, Arkansas and is a sophomore Graphic Design major.

“My Eyes Are Up Here!” Emily Shaddox
Emily Shaddox is a junior BFA Studio Art student with a concentration in photography. This work circulates itself around the idea of her experience as a young woman in the modern, vain world—striking consideration about the competitiveness expected between females...

“If You Can’t Join ‘Em, Beat ‘Em” Emily Shaddox
Emily Shaddox is a junior BFA Studio Art student with a concentration in photography. This work circulates itself around the idea of her experience as a young woman in the modern, vain world—striking consideration about the competitiveness expected between females...

“Hangzhou” Sophia Crozier
Sophie is a junior English Education major at the University of Arkansas, who loves capturing moments on camera in the midst of adventure and discovery. “Hangzhou” was taken in China.
“The Wife of Sisyphus” by Chance O’Neal
The Dinner Bucket was Scranton’s biggest eyesore. Linard Cooper first founded the original diner by selling his wife’s car, a 1984 Toyota Pickup, and renovating the old dollar store next to the Valero Station on 5th Street. It did well enough during its grand opening, but a kitchen fire burned it to the ground only four months after Linard cut...
“Primordial Goop” by Gabrielle Vatthanatham
In the beginning, there were three or so little fat green things contorted on the small branch of dill my mother brought in from the garden. I only saw because she motioned me fervently with her free hand like she was afraid noise might cause the grubs to fright, stir and fall. I didn’t know they were worms until I managed my way over to her. I...
“Allon-bacuth” by Michayla Ashley
Three scoops of mint chocolate chip ice cream melted in a bowl on the closed toilet seat. A spoonful melted in my mouth, the chunks of chocolate filling the dips of my molars. I let it rest there until I could no longer taste the mint. Dolly sniffed at the bathroom floor, her torso moving past the threshold as she shuffled to where I sat naked on...