AREA CODE: 743 (Greensboro, NC)
Hey honey,
I’m callin’ you back, but I can’t—I’m not gonna be able to talk. I can’t hear with all the
damn static. Does this every time it rains. Anyhow, I got your call. If he woulda just got off his
ass and answered the phone—Anyways, I love you. Call me back sometime.
Maybe we can talk with the static,

AREA CODE: 415 (San Francisco, CA)
This Is Sarah Jordan Here At Refundland Could You Give Me A Call Back When You
Receive This Message At 415-375-FUND It Looks Like Your Business Will Possibly Receive
Up To $26,000 For Every Employee Maintained On Payroll During New Year’s 2020 And 2021
This Is Not A Loan And You Will Not Be Required To Pay It Back I Can Be Reached At 415-
375-FUND That’s 415-375-FUND Thanks And
I Look Forward To Speaking With You Soon

AREA CODE: 765 (Lebanon, TN)
I’m recording a message. I just got back from biking. I’m really sweaty. Um, uh, I said I was gonna call, but if you
can’t, that’s fine. It was gonna be short, so. Just wasn’t meant to be. I’ll just text you. Or

AREA CODE: 660 (Clinton, MO)
Hey Bennet,
You can come home whenever you’re ready.
Thank you.

AREA CODE: 918 (Broken Arrow, OK)
Hey Ella,
It’s Aunt Sophie I—Mimi told me that she called you, and I knew she was one-upping
me—so I thought I would call you too and just tell you congratulations on the college decision.
I’m glad you’re gonna be there. It makes me feel better about Hailey. Um, ’cause she’ll have some
people to look out for her. So, um, you don’t know that you’re doing that, but you probably will
be. But thank you. I’m glad you’re gonna be there, and I hope that you have a good time while
you’re there. Autumn did, and I think Andrew did, maybe. Maybe it’ll be good. So, um, I hope
you like it, and I’ll talk to you soon.
Love you,


AREA CODE: AREA CODE: 765 (Lebanon, TN)
I’ve called to teach you a lesson.
Stop texting me when you are driving. So, stop doing that. Alright? Alright. Okay. Okay?
Alright? Hehehe. Okay.
Stop it.

AREA CODE: 928 (Yuma, AZ)
Hey buddy,
Just calling to see if you made it home safe. Hopefully, you did. Um, text us in the
morning and let us know.

AREA CODE: 706 (Athens, GA)
I was gonna ask you about the card game golf and how to play it, but by the time you
hear this, I will have figured it out.
So, hm,
Oh, he’s calling me.

AREA CODE: 501 (Little Rock, AR)


dropping off…
don’t know what they’re doing…did they take your order?….I said that’s the god dang

goodness gracious

AREA CODE: 918 (Broken Arrow, OK)
Hi Ella,
This is Mimi. I’m calling to wish you a happy birthday, and I remember the day you were
born, and I can’t believe that you’re now a freshman at the university, and I want to—I’d like to
hear from you, and I want your address, and I want to hear from you, and I hope you’ve had a
great day Ella,
and I love you,
Bye, bye.

AREA CODE: 706 (Athens, GA)
Hi Sammy. This is your, Kathy—hehehehahaha. I almost lied, and I almost said
something else. I just wanna let you know that we’re running to Barnes and Noble and ain’t
probably gonna be back for another thirty minutes. So if you get home and no one’s there, that’s
why. Alright, that’s all.
See you soon,
xoxo xoxo


AREA CODE: 904 (Jacksonville, FL)
I’m sorry I missed your call.
I got so far, and it just wouldn’t get any further. Nathaniel told me this was the easiest
thing when he did it. It’s the most complicated thing I’ve ever done. Maybe because of my device
not working. But anyway I’m going to start all over, so I’ll just call you in a few hours.
Bye, bye,
Love you.

AREA CODE: 765 (Lebanon, TN)
What’d you do today?
Jeopardy was okay today. Luca was a fun movie. The flowers are dancing. I’m about to
fall asleep, so kiss.
Love, kiss,

AREA CODE: 504 (New Orleans, LA)
Hey Davis,
This is Ms. Katherine. From work. Uh, I got a family problem going on, I dunno if you
can come in a little early today. I think you close tonight? I was wondering if you can come in at
twelve. Can you call me back at 504-144-1876?
Thank you, darlin’,
Bye, bye.


AREA CODE: 504 (New Orleans, LA)
Hey Davis,
This is Ms. Katherine again. Chuck just texted me before I could even talk to you and
said he got it covered. Call Chuck and make sure that he’ll either talk to you or whoever he got
comin’ in at twelve. I don’t want both of y’all to show up at the same time. It might be you that
he done talked to, I dunno. But, um, call him and see, before—when I got off the phone with
you, I had a text and
Chuck said that he got it covered,

AREA CODE: 802 (Middlebury, VT)
How do you know Valarie Kostopulos?
Sorry I missed your call. I was in class. Her mom and my mom have been friends foreva.
We are not close. Just one of those people that you grow up being forced to hang out with. She’s
cool, though. So pretty. What class do you have with her? How’s school?
I’ll call you on my walk home
if you’re free.

AREA CODE: 765 (Lebanon, TN)
It’s me. You just hung up the phone, and I said I’d leave a voicemail, and I ran out of the
classroom, and I can see you in the classroom right now. There you are, looking at me. Um, I’m
walking around. Uh, I went back into the backroom at this point. Um, I’m in a really good mood today, if you haven’t noticed, but I’m smiling a lot more than usual. Uh, this. I don’t know what
to do. Now. And we left—we left the monopoly thing out. I’m going to have to put that up. Now.
Um, I don’t know if I can leave long messages. Hehe.

AREA CODE: 918 (Broken Arrow, OK)
Everything is fine, but
Mimi is in the ER due to continued shortness of breath. She rode the ambulance, and, um,
they gave Mimi her medicine on the way here, and she was already so much better when we
arrived, and her ER doctor is Dr. Vaddavalli. All is well. She’s in excellent hands. I’m at the
hospital if anyone wants to call for the purpose of talking to Mimi.
Call my phone.
She would love that.

AREA CODE: 918 (Broken Arrow, OK)
Why did you call me?
I love you.

AREA CODE: 765 (Lebanon, TN)
Hey, So I’ve been thinking quite recently about us. I don’t think it should progress anymore as
a relationship, but I would still love to be friends. I absolutely love your personality and how
considerate you are—
but the chemistry for a relationship just isn’t there,
I’m sorry.

AREA CODE: 743 (Greensboro, NC)
Hey honey,
I don’t even know what happened. I wasn’t even touching and
I had it propped up and
Call me back.