“Allon-bacuth” by Michayla Ashley
Three scoops of mint chocolate chip ice cream melted in a bowl on the closed toilet seat. A spoonful melted in my mouth, the chunks of chocolate filling the dips of my molars. I let it rest there until I could no longer taste the mint. Dolly sniffed at the bathroom...“Patron Saint of Stress” Zoe Sparks
I’m the preparation for the earthquake//Kids hiding under desks and doorways pray//Hopeful this torture will end
“Edited: A Poem About Love Changing Seasons” Zach Turner
When the last forecast of snow turns to a chance//of rain and the ice on the pond breaks into ripples
“Chantix” Sara Schellenberg
I am stomping sparks//on the driveway for the last time//so maybe I’ll outlive my brother
“Lumpy Pancakes and a Lesson on Stirring” Morgan Walker
Your pancakes will be dry, flat, and wholly unfulfilling if you stir the batter too much. Be careful not to disrupt the lumps…