To My Brother by Boniblu Choate

All that summer we made toast. In some sort of trance- phase like anime or teenage rebellion, where only toast sounded good. I fixed yours with mock fatigue- spreading butter, sharp scrape of inconvenience, feigned burnt by demands for toast with- out gratitude. Fixed...

Summer Wine by Eanthe Pieterse

you are my summer wine. berries crushed with passion. bitterness consumed by sweetness. i pour you into my glass hoping to fill me up. i savor each drink, rolling you on my tounge, burning my cheeks, and warming my soul. you taste of yesterday, today, and tomorrow....

Pomegranate by Reeya Gandhi

ruby skin. let me crack you open and pick you apart one by one. let me peel you back and hold your jewels between my lips. let my tongue stain red and match the shade of my fingertips and cheeks. let me taste the sweetness and feel crimson drip down my chin. and if I...

Night of the Party by Payton Willhite

tonight we’re practicing ethical non-monogamy so kiss your grocer and hug your doorman with all the passion that cherry wine can provide. grinning behind smokescreens. I’m lost behind the eyes tonight. Restless. desperate for another moment of pure inhibition. With...

paper airplanes by Emma Bracken

every great loss begins with a fold a crease in the spine and a tuck behind the ear on thin sheets of white tangled and spread smooth again with pilling rolled in quiet moments tossed carelessly to the wind that suspend the fall and feign flight over pools of murky...