Our Eternal Hearts by Andrew Ruegsegger

All Poetry, Issue 5, Issue 5 Poetry

We will die and the breeze will still blow,
and there will fly the ashes of all we have known.
We will become the dirt, fish, and the stars
and those stars will die and become hearts like ours.

Those hearts will bleed and cry before they’re done,
before the breeze scatters them toward a new sun.
Its light will fall upon a planet and melt its snow
and from its water a dormant bud will grow.

It will flower under the light our hearts will make
and some life will bite the fruit and chew to sate
the lust that all life, to be life, must have and use;
and why should we want, when all this will ensue?

To be part of Time is enough
for this eternal heart o’ mine.