Hairworms destroy grasshoppers

Inside out.

Foot long ringlets,

Wandering calligraphy,

Ebony ink…

There was a chariot

Drawn by silver carousel ponies in October,

Manes shaped and shaved like zebra spikes,

And their bells signaled the duke’s arrival.

Salmon were swimming uphill.

I think he grabbed her by the waist.

That’s what they say,

And spun her round till the bottom of her dress

Fanned like lily petals.

They dragged their dull, dead tails against the current.

He’d be back Tomorrow.

‘Wait here at the stream’s edge,’ he said. She’d wait

Any amount of time to read the braille

Of his lips again.

The next step was life or caviar. It always starts the same.

She made a nest using

Dying leaves

Tumbling close to the shore.

She crafted a coat of night crawler skins

And notes in the dirt.

They leave a strong taste of iron in the water.

Tomorrow, Two Winters later.

Gold carousel ponies halt at the river.

The duke played all summer with pheasANTS.

He found her nails covered in clay, and

 Her notes:

I want to kiss him again.

I need to put more logs in the pit.

My lovers were all musicians.

For some reason I’m still waiting… hoping…

They had a language I could understand but not speak.

I need to wait for it to dry before I try lighting it again.

The sun’s setting. It’s getting cold out here…