Wistful Garden by Suzanne Gourley

     The garden sat facing the eastern sun, basking in its glory, stealing every glance from the lush green grass extending beyond its parameter. The north end of the garden is a mixture of green hues. Not a spec of discoloration to be seen, alluding to the firm and...

Graveyard Picnic by Jackson Cook

When Aldous Beaumont, Sr., kicked the bucket in a scorching motorcycle accident at the age of seventy-three, there weren’t many kind words to say about his time on Earth. He was a rotten troublemaker whose only gift seemed to be causing havoc in the lives he came into...

Devil Town by Jackson Cook

Characters NAILDUCT: A six thousand year old demon who dreams of what life is like outside of their dead end job in Hell’s call center. SLUGBOX: A younger demon who is career oriented and competitive. FROGTUBE: An older demon who used to possess shepherds. This job in...