Dec 6, 2022 | All Poetry, Issue 6, Issue 6 Poetry
I think sometimes that I could be famous. maybe it’s the shape of my ears or the general disinterest in having my photo unexpectedly taken. I have always craved for someone to tell me Exactly who to be. someone qualified. at least twenty years experience in...
Dec 6, 2022 | All Poetry, Issue 6, Issue 6 Poetry
If I passed my bones, Walking down the street, Would they stop to say hello? Would they even recognize me? And if indeed they did, Who’s to say I them? Would I greet them with a smile? Or curse them, spite my limbs? If you stripped me of my skin, Would you still like...
Dec 1, 2022 | All Fiction, Issue 6, Issue 6 Fiction
When Aldous Beaumont, Sr., kicked the bucket in a scorching motorcycle accident at the age of seventy-three, there weren’t many kind words to say about his time on Earth. He was a rotten troublemaker whose only gift seemed to be causing havoc in the lives he came into...
Dec 1, 2022 | All Fiction, Issue 6, Issue 6 Fiction
Characters NAILDUCT: A six thousand year old demon who dreams of what life is like outside of their dead end job in Hell’s call center. SLUGBOX: A younger demon who is career oriented and competitive. FROGTUBE: An older demon who used to possess shepherds. This job in...
Dec 1, 2022 | All Fiction, Issue 6, Issue 6 Fiction
I was scared I was going to become the crazy old bird lady who sat on the steps of St. Augustine’s Cathedral. St. Augustine’s stood proudly across the street from the city park, a cluster of evergreen trees and brown barren elms that stretched like skeletons against...